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  • Registrant : 笠間市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/14
  • Published : 2023/12/14
  • Changed :2023/12/14
  • Total View : 708 persons
2024/3/1 - 2024/3/3 / 笠間市 / Seasonal / Occasion

Doll Festival in Kasama ~ Peach Banquet ~

Kasama Hinamatsuri ~ Peach Banquet ~ is Kasama's Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival) created by ceramic artists, galleries, and restaurants in the city, centering on the Kasama Pottery Hina. Please stroll around Kasama in spring around Ceramic Lane, Gallery Road and Kasama Inari Gate Street.

Kasama Hinamatsuri ~ Peach Banquet ~ is Kasama's Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival) created by ceramic artists, galleries, and restaurants in the city, centering on the Kasama Pottery Hina. Please stroll around Kasama in spring around Ceramic Lane, Gallery Road and Kasama Inari Gate Street.

Address 笠間市
Date 2024/3/1 - 2024/3/3
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